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Facial puffiness and excessive puffiness underneath the eyes is a common beauty woe. However, there are holistic at-home hacks that aid in reducing inflammation and drainage to achieve the best results. 
The most common IV therapies are often referred to as “Myer’s cocktail” which include many of the same vitamins that benefit our skin topically. But why do people report glowing skin and energy boosts for 1-2 days after these treatments?
Dry brushing is a form of physical exfoliation that claims to rid your skin barrier from dry and flaking skin, as well as detoxify and help digestion. Learn more about the benefits and concerns with this popular skin hack.

Males produce more sebum than females, with female sebum and collagen production declining with age. How do these differences and others affect aging, skin conditions, and how we treat those conditions?

progressive skin condition where melanocytes are no longer able to produce the pigment leaving patches of bright white skin of varying sizes over the body, most commonly on the face, hands, and feet.
Although topical ointments prove effective in treating acne -what you put in your body may be just as important if not more than what you put on it. 
It's impossible to miss the new skin trend in stores or on social media - hydrocolloid patches. Although hydrocolloid patches are a buzzword in today's skincare market, the technology is nothing but new.
As cigarette use declines and vaping use increases, we are now asking: does nicotine vaping affect our skin in the same way that traditional cigarette use does?
The lymphatic system is known as the “sewage system” of the body - maintaining fluid levels in the body by filtering fluids to detoxify waste.
Comedones, or clogged pores, affect 40-50 million people in the U.S. every year. Most of us get them, but do we know what causes them, why they may be a certain color, or how to treat them?
With the fun in the sun comes the heat, and as the heat tops the charts our skin starts getting more irritated.Here are some ways hot weather can affect our skin health.
During the summer, our skin is challenged by greater sun exposure and heat which increase oxidative stress and sweating. Here are some skin care modifications ideal for the summertime.
