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Lip care is just as important as caring for the rest of your skin. However, your lips have specific needs that require more than just your usual skincare products. 
Studies of the skin microbiome that exist on and within the human body is a fairly recent field, though holds potential to revolutionize the way we think about our health and immune systems.
Most of us already know that sunscreen is likely the most important step in our daily skincare routine to protect us from harmful UVA and UVB radiation that damages the deep layers of our skin cells. However, what kind of sunscreen is best to use. 
Many times we think that glowing skin comes solely from the products we use. The reality is that our skin responds to what’s going on inside our bodies. The more we eat healthy foods, the better our skin will look and feel.
Acids. The word itself sounds scary when you think of it as something you apply to your skin. It engenders fear, although it doesn’t need to. So let’s demystify acids as they relate to skincare.
There’s a lot of talk about vitamin C being the ingredient above all ingredients when it comes to skincare. So, is it really that good? What is it, what are the benefits, and how should you be using it?
One thing that’s true about beauty is that self-care is important. There’s no denying that when we prioritize our health, our bodies, and our skin we fuel the mental and physical energy that sets the other aspects of our life up for success.
